
MAMBO team make a short sojurn into Kuala Lumpur  for a couple of nights 
Twin towers, satay, lightning storms. Since our last visit 18 years ago development was very noticable we met a very helpful young lady named Chu Chu who was travelling from her hometown in Penang back to KL for work at the Malaysia national bank she was incredibly helpful and guided us to our hotel from the airport even though it was quite out of her way. Meli and Monique went for a foot nibble at a local craft market. By dipping their feet in a shallow pool of water while fish came along and nibbled the dead pieces of skin off i guess this should have been a guess what but too late now,' it was a weird feeling loads of fish nibbling your dead skin, i had many more fish swarming around my feet than Beaky I guess I have much more dead skin to nibble at!!' 
Guess what they did with the regurgitated skin #1

This is the team running through water fountains causing a few concerned looks and possible expulsion form Malaysia

Billy's sushi satay combo which he was very chuffed with.

Guess what time Agent M posted your postcard #2 and only two in Malaysia
With a fabulous tropical storm the rain lit by these power station draining spot lights fell to earth like diamonds.